Awesome Features
We provide a specialized engine to analyze and prepare customized diet plan. Our qualified and experienced team have invested a number of years to gauge health parameter minutely. Unique considerations are applied on diet plans like geography of the patient, allergic history, existing disease and much more.
25+ Specialized Diets
Balanced, Gym, Athlete, Wedding, Senior Citizen, Healthy Skin, Memory, Hair Gain, Weight Gain/Loss and many more
Principle Guidelines Followed
Strongly laid on the guidelines provided by WHO, ICMR, NIN Hyderabad and RDA.
80+ Diseases Covered
Rare parameters covered under disease and allergy consideration which makes Apollo Diet stand out of the crowd.
Pluggable with any CRM
Hassle free product which can be smoothly plugged into any organization's existing CRM. Capable of handling critical integration with an ease.
BMR Formula
Basal Metabolic Rate equations like Original HarrisBenedict Equation, RevisedHarrisBenedict Equation, MifflinStJeor Equation, KatchMcArdle Formula, Cunningham Formula are available to calculate calories requirement in a day.
Automated diet plan
A single click can provide you a diet plan with a transparency of scientific compositions (major & minor nutrient) of your food based upon your BMI, region, orientation, exercise level, allergic items, diseases, diets.
High Quality
A team of dietitians and doctors have critically examined generated diet plans.
Highly secured payment gateway
Built with the futuristic vision, Apollo Diet provides a highly secure payment solution. Patient's health and wealth both are crucial for us.
Large Food Database
We have covered all major Indian foods and recipes. We keep in mind the interest of our clients.
Convenient Dashboard
We provide very easy to use but powerful dashboard to generate a diet chart for any patient/person.
Contact us
Greater Noida, 201306, IN
0120 717 9912