Cunningham Equation

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

The Cunningham equation is method of calculating BMR. It’s an accurate method used by sport persons, athletes, but difficult to calculate right as you need your body fat percentage and muscle mass. The Harris-Benedict equation is one other method; it’s an accurate for moderately active people.

Step 1. Resting Metabolic Rate

If person is 250 lbs at 5% body fat, so 0.05 equals 5% body fat

Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 to get your weight in Kilograms.

 E.g. 250/2.2 = 113.63 kg

Next take your fat percentage and multiply by your mass in kg, this will give you your fat mass (FM)

 E.g. 113.63 x 0.05 = 5.68 kg

Subtract your fat mass (FM) from your total weight in kg to get your fat free mass (FFM)

E.g. 113.63 – 5.68 = 107.95 kg

Now enter your (FFM) into this formula

RMR = 500 + [22 x (FFM)] E.g. RMR=500 + [22 x 107.95]

RMR=500 + 2374.9

RMR= 2874.9 calories

Step 2. Thermic Effect of Food

If you eat a moderate protein in your diet factor will be 0.10 (roughly 1g/lb of body weight), for a high protein diet your factor will be 0.15 (roughly 1.5 g/lb of body weight) .

TEF = RMR x factor (0.10 or 0.15) E.g. TEF=359.99

Do not add this number to your RMR yet.

Step 3. Determine Activity Thermogenesis

The first part is to determine your (NEAT) Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis . You will need to use one of these NEAT factors:

1.2- 1.3 for bed- or chair-ridden individuals

1.4- 1.5 for sedentary occupation without daily any movement

1.5- 1.6 for sedentary occupation with daily some movement

1.6- 1.7 for occupation with long time standing

1.9-2.1 for hard work

RMR + NEAT = RMR x NEAT factor E.g. RMR+NEAT=2,874.9  x 1.4

RMR+NEAT =4024.86

Now add in your TEF

RMR + NEAT + TEF = Non training day caloric needs E.g. RMR+NEAT+TEF= 4384.85

Now determine your Exercise Related Activity Thermogenesis (ERAT)

For intense free weight lifting the Metabolic Effect of Training (MET)is 6. Use your total weight, including fat. For the duration use a decimal to represent the amount of time (45 min = 0.75, 90 min = 1.5).

ERAT = Body Mass x duration x MET E.g. ERAT=90.91 x 1.5 x 6


On training days you add in your ERAT number for your total calories

E.g.RMR+NEAT+TEF+ERAT = 5204.04

Simply calculate your own numbers and add or subtract 250 calories depending on your weight goal. Maintain this change for two weeks and decide if you need to readjust. If you lose or gained weight, maintain for two more weeks until you are no longer losing or gaining, then add or subtract another 250 calories and continue this process until you reach your desire goal.

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